The Beast Inside

Considering the opening sequence, and indeed the game’s box art, pretty much signpost where this game is going to end up, and probably a more than healthy hint as to why, it’s testament to the skill of developer Movie Games that this is still such an engrossing title.

The Medium

This game was clearly a labour of love for developer Bloober Team. They even included a full-screen message telling you so. This is the developer behind both Layers of Fear and Observer, both innovative, tense, and enjoyable horror titles, and the more generic but serviceably scary Blair Witch.


Perhaps inevitably, on first downloading this game, I was pondering where I might end up crowbarring a ‘fade to grey’ gag into this review. Having now played the game through to completion, I really don’t feel much like laughing.

Moons of Madness

Moons, is it? Not Mansions. OK, still meets the pseudo-alliteration test, still very clearly Lovecraftian, if the big generic sea creature tentacles on the box art and digital icons for the installed games weren’t also doing their bit.